Grey linen raven-kitty. Esmeray (meaning dark moon in Turkish) is hand-embroidered and dressed prettily in her cotton romper and marabou boa stole. Her wool-felt bonnet is hand-embellished.
The fabrics used in this celestial doll collection all have gold foil embellishments.
She has beautiful quilted bird wings, gently weighted so that they drape on her shoulders. The wings are removable and worn with little shoulder straps.

14″ cat doll (excluding hat), stuffed with wool roving.
Clothes (including wings) can be carefully removed.
Each of Pinkyminky’s dolls is unique. They are made with care and skill for display, gentle play, and a lifetime of love.
Genuine Pinkyminky dolls are hand embroidered with a heart on one paw and a star on the other.
They have a unique tag with their name and date of adoption, handwritten by Pinkyminky.
Spot clean only.
Please see separate listings in the ‘extras’ category if you want to add a cardigan, Baby, Sweetie Pie or Pip Pal to this doll.
Heirloom doll – Not Intended for children under 3 years due to small parts.
Free shipping this weekend - FREESHIPSPRINGTIME
This doll is ready to ship – to purchase Esmeray, please visit my shop.